Goal: Create and post your podcast on Anchor
Ideal Outcome: Your podcast is posted on all the platforms
Pre-requisites or requirements: Have an Anchor account
Why this is important: Promoting your audio podcast on all the platforms is important. Not all of your audience have Spotify or others.
Where this is done: Anchor
When this is done: When you want to post an audio podcast
Who does this: You, your Social Media Manager, or Community Manager.
- Open Anchor

- Click on new episode
- This will open a new page where you can create your new episode.

- You can record your episode here

- You can upload already recorded podcast files
- If you already recorded an episode on another device or on your computer, just slide the files in the "Your Episode section"

- When you're all done, click on save episode
- Name your podcast and write a description for it.

- You can schedule it
- Write down the season number and the episode number. You can choose to put a full episode, trailer or a bonus.
- Don't forget to choose if your content is clean or explicit.

- You can add a poll or a question so your audience can reply to it. It's working only on Spotify, tho.

- Now, you can save it as a draft or an episode. You're done!

You successfully uploaded your first episode. Congrats!