Black hat marketing is the use of unethical (and sometimes, but not always, illegal) strategies to promote online business. In contrast to ethical “white hat” strategies, black hat strategies use deception and manipulation to accomplish their objectives (See also Ethical Marketing)
1 by 1 (DIRT WORK)
Messages Instagram DM pour trouver des leads.
Envoyer des message audios sur Instagram avec un lien vers se que tu veux vendre.
Salut 😊! Je prends le temps de t’envoyer un vocal personnel (oui c’est nos jours on a le droit à un message spamy copié collé en anglais haha) Quand tu as 20 secondes, écoute le 💪merci.
Youtube link
Salut XXX comment ça va? Écoute je t’envoi un vocal et je m’essaye car ton IG est trèssss beau, alors je me suis dis que pour toi avoir plus de follower, d’engagement de notoriété ou même plus de clients si tu as une business ça t’intéresse alors écoute la vidéos YouTube tu VA ADORER!
Si c’est pas ça que tu recherche c’est pas plus grave, écoute sinon si ya quoi que ce soit je peux faire pour toi hésite pas
L’importance du follow créatif et un appel personnalisé avec la personne!
Paid Traffic
If you already have a proven product, you can generate additional traffic via paid advertisement and generate new potential clients for your business. Create Business Card with QR Codes on it. If you’re good at fishing, you’ll be good at marketing.
Marketing Terms and Strategies:
Search Engine Marketing = SEM
Search Engine Optimization = SEO
Optimization = Find what's not working, get rid of it or fix it.
Vertical Scaling = Increase budgets(Vertical scaling).
Horizontal Scaling = Increase where you show the ads audiences, interests, channels.
AOV = Average Order Value
CTR = Click Through Rate
CONV.RATE = Conversion Rate
PPC = Pay Per Click
MLTV = Maximum lifetime value
99% of people you will target = I don't believe you, I don't have enough information, I don't believe I can do it, I don't have money.
People might believe what you say, but will never doubt what they conclude or interpret.
Unaware(5$-50$), Problem aware(50$-100$), Solution aware(100$-500$), Product aware(500$-5000$), Most aware(5000$+)
Make sure you have good economics.
Perceived value.
Marketing Traditionel VS Marketing Digital
La sphère d'influence: Que tu sois encore aux études, au tout début de ta carrière d'entrepreneur, ou encore un entrepreneur à succès voulant transmettre son savoir à un jeune homme dynamique.
Content Production:
Tester des idées de contenue pour KPI spécifique: Views, Clicks, Comments, Share, Swipe up. 80% JAB JAB JAB = Desire, problems, education, values 20% RIGHT HOOK = Ask for something, make an offer, offer a solution, make a promotion 50% Structure, 50% Art. People want edutainment.
Selfish Content = Crée du contenue que pour tes objectifs a toi.
Most businesses create 1 piece of content at a time... that’s such a big mistake. First thing first before we jump right into it, we have to remember that content creation is 50% a science and 50% an art. You need a bit of structure while at the same time let the creative process do the job for you. Before you jump in a zoom call with your business partner, we suggest you write down 15 to 20 questions on paper that your potential client could potentially be interested in knowing the answer. You can also take a bunch of old pictures or videos that you have stored somewhere (if you do) and choose a couple of them for your creative process.
During your call, your partner is simply going to ask yourself the questions you have previously written down. Your job will be to answer the questions one by one while thinking about what your audience needs to hear. You can talk about your business, yourself, your product, your solution, your clients problematic, etc. We have to remember that we are here to find 30 seconds to 3 minutes conversations/answers that can bring value to your potential clients. This exercise demands a lot of energy if it’s your first time doing it, but the more you do it the easier it gets. Creating content should be fun and creative, don’t be too harsh on yourself!
Most importantly, after having recorded 2 hours of content, we can then create 10 to 15 small pieces of content using a video editing software. By the way, cross platforming the same clip onto TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook can easily 4X the amount of content we created and can also give yourself a chance at attracting new types of potential clients by posting on new platforms. One question answered at a time, you are warming up your people so that one day they decide to jump in the boat by themselves without you even asking. That technique is way better than casting your fishing line over and over again without knowing if you’re casting at the spot. Remember... when you create content, don’t take yourself too seriously, at the end of the day, we’re all humans and must find a way to engage positively in the process of creation and contribution.