EXPOSE THE BULLSHIT. OFFER EVERYONE THE ABILITY TO TELL THEIR STORY. La mission c’est: Ta raison d’être. Ce qui donne un sense à ta vie entière. Ton ULTIME BUT dans la vie. Ton inspiration profonde et source de motivation de l’intérieur. Qu’est-ce qu’une mission significative pour toi? What’s a meaningful life full of responsibilities? Live intentionally for my personal legacy, for the next generation and for the marginalized unfortunate people all across the globe. A quoi ressemblerais LA vie si elle était exactement comme tu le souhaiterais? Pense sans limitations et oublie le “comment tu-y arriveras”. Si LA vie était extraordinaire et selon tes conditions, à quoi elle ressemblerait? Imagine la vie que tu veux voir réel dans 10 à 20 ans. How would you like to see the world in 500 years 1000 years? How would the perfect world look like for you? What’s your utopia. Voici mon plan stratégique pour les années à suivre, bien évidemment de vais devoir travailler très fort oui mais je vais devoir réajuster mon plan stratégique plus que j’acquière de l’expérience. Il existe plusieurs domaine de responsabilité que je devrais développer pour atteindre mes objectifs. Décortiquer vision de 25 years, 15 years, 10 years, 5 years, 1ans, 6mois, mensuelle, hebdo. La stratégie c’est: Les étapes à suivre et le plan de match pour concrétiser ta vision en réalité. C’est quoi ta stratégie ultime? Pourquoi est-ce que tu existe? Pourquoi ton entreprise existe-t-elle? Si ce n’est que pour faire de l’argent? Pourquoi es-tu ici?
Strategy / Vocation / Ikigai
Let’s all have access to free democratic education. Transmission of information or knowledge from a teacher to a student.
Let’s revolutionize the education system. First, for a revolution to occur there has to be problematics identified and strategies to put does the systems that are currently in place. Then we can at the same time offer an alternative or a new organized structure or system that is better than the previous one. Of course, I would like to revolutionize the current educational system in which we are currently but I’m more focused on the longterm enhancement of transmission of information around the globe. Should it all be democratized and available to all ages at all time? Should there be regulations to kind of information can be consumed by certain age groups of even specific “level of consciousness” or mindset. I think there has to be a clear separation between what is subjective and objective and finding a balance between both. Let’s say here is what most people agree upon 95% of information. Here is what 5% of the people disagree on subjectively and opinionated. The pourcentage can be different of course. It would be nice to have a clear separation of the “intellectual information” from the “emotional information” and maybe even the “spiritual information”. Therefore a clear separation between what is personal information, collective information and universal information can be clearly separated, identified and structurized. I want to believe in a world where we are all one nation connected globally, but that will probably take another 200 years to 500 years.
I want to educate current people and the next generation about critical thinking, personal development and finally be in control of themselves by taking societal responsibility. A new set of beliefs, values and standards has to be suggested, accepted and adopted by all the people living on earth in order for this mission to be accomplished. No more war. Therefore a clear set of rules has to be clarified and proposed to everybody, then these rules have to be constantly updated with the current state of the world. Once everybody is happy without exceptions, the rules and principles can be applied all around the globe for everybody. What are the best sets of values for the modern age and post-modern age? I think that the revolution of the education system will take place in the marriage between the inner personal world of individuals and the professional outside collective world.
Here are some problematics in the current traditional school system. At school we mainly teach the capability to memorize information in the hippocampus. Most of the homework in related to the students ability to memorize intellectual data, intellectual information, intellectual quantitative date, intellectual visible and observable data. To me that could definitely be improved. I think that in school we should teach and focus more on emotional and subjective behaviours and unconscious decisions instead of what is intellectual. But again both are closely related. What I mean is that I think young kids should learn how to control their emotions, meditate, participate in debates and conflits like adults do. In human physical interactions we should teach emotional human interaction. Maybe at home or digitally using the internet we should focus more on intellectual stuff to memorize. The theory and the capacity to learn how to learn has to be accessible to every child. The ability to question everything and understanding that information is changing and evolving all the time. That the perspective that a student can currently hold in mind can be replaced by another perspective and that this is the never ending cycle of learning and getting closer to the truth and the beauty of life. We should teach kids authenticity first thing first. Most importantly.
A big part of my mission is the help people find the balance between spirituality and science, between IQ and SQ, between the objective world and the subjective world. YouNiversity Podcast will be the primary place where I will attack this problem aggressively. YouNiversity will fundamentally teaches Emotional IQ or EQ to the students that will be watching the podcasts. The primary source of information that we will explore on this youtube channel will be took directly from the Israel Torah and the study of the ancient texts such as the Bible itself. Fundamentally, the bible teaches emotional intelligence and compassion between individuals. Teaching the understanding of the constant interpretations during the “Oral Tradition” que la Torah d’en haut nous offrent. Les élèves assistent à des cours et peuvent poser des questions comme à l’université. I truly believe that we are all teachers and that we are all students, from the moment we were born to the moment we die.
Révolutioner les systèmes d’éducation de manière autodidacte et ludique a travers des videos et formations en ligne relier à YouNiversity. A bank of video, links, quotes structured in a way that people can gain badges and achieve level of intelligence. Il existe de gros problème humanitaire dans le monde comme la guerre, l’accès à l’eau potable, la traffic humain, world hunger, poverty, global warming and many many many more problems related to the lack of education offered to the all human. Education is the main problem.
Fundamentaly, I believe in an education system that is interconnected with the financial system, therefore in balance with the acquiring of knowledge, the application of knowledge and ultimately the exchange of knowledge and value between individuals, organizations, nations. Democratizing the information transparently and advantageously for everyone.
Let’s all have the opportunity to reach our fullest emotional potential. Transmission of happiness from one person to another without exchange of money.
Je recherche à éliminer toute forme de souffrance, injustice, guerre pour tout les êtres humains dans le monde entier en trouvant et offrir l’harmonie parfait et éternel entre la science (objective reality) et la spiritualité (subjective reality) pour tout les êtres vivant qui ont le souffle divin. Je recherche à offir la joie, le respect pour toute forme d’énergie en mouvement invisible et invisible à l’oeil humain. J’aide principalement les être humains à trouver la pure joie et l’amour inconditionnel et l’épanouissement autant au niveau émotionnel que financièrement. Je souhaite un monde ou l’ignorance est accepter comme étant la préscence permanente du divin avec laquel nous approfondissons notre relation avec tout les jours. J’offre dans de nouvelles perspective qui offre au autres de nouvelle perception de la vie se qui les raproches de l’épanouissement en général et la paix 95% du temps. I want to remove the veil of ignorance by helping people accept their own ignorance. By offering them critical thinking, they can accept that they are already perfect and that at the same time they can become better version of themselves by perfectionist practices. We all need to look at the past as far as we can remember in order to reconnect with our history and therefore see further in the future with clarity and purpose where we want to go. Like I said, I cannot change the world in 3 seconds and with 1 finger clap. There has to be a mouvement where people arrive to their own conclusion and also arive to their own disconclusion. Otherwise certain types of people get stuck into beliefs and pathological patterns or prejudice that they apply and accept for the rest of there lifes without considerations for other perspective that could disproove their personal subjetive scientific observation evidence. The change has to first start within every individuals, then it can taught from a teacher to students, taught to classes, taught to schoold, taught to organizations, taught to nations and eventually to the entire world. I want to transform people into the best version of themselves, not only relatively to their own perception but most importantantly to the rest of humanity and beyond the scope of human consciousness into the unconsciouss divine realms. J’aide les gens à vider leur tête dans leur second brain pour simplifier leur vie. J’aide les gens à être self-disciplined et self-motivated. En aidant les individues à revenir vers leurs origine and racine fondamentale, ils retrouvents la connexions directe ou indirecte avec la nature et dieu. Les premières nations on beaucoup à nous apprendre et ils doivent absolument être présenter en tant que leader global dans les prochaines année pour souver l’humanité du déclin du nombre d’être humain qui arrivent rapidement.
From the accumulation of information to the organisation of that information intellectual concepts that can be used in personalized personal and professional dashboards that maximize the potential of every individuals. Therefore, enhancing and augmenting the scope of consciousness of every individuals. I would much rather enhance the way people learn things in general by offering them a digital option to externalize their brain. Their beliefs, objectifs, vision, values... pretty much everything intellectual. What is emotional will most likely stay in the physical realm in human interaction therefore build emotional quotient. By offering them a place where they can journal, plan, track their objectives, projects and tasks will help them impliment their intellectual concept into reality. Here I’m talking about helping people separate what is intellectual and what is emotional. The current physical education buldings such as schools and college and universities is fine and will be necessary to the revolution of this industries. Conference, events, debate will always stay one of the most important part of the education structure. What has to change is the way people learn, the way people interpret that information, the way people use that information and untilmately the way people exchance that information and energy for money.
There is a lot of different cultures in the world and when we connect different cultures together there are clashes. The emotional states and normalized standards of a specific culture is different from the emotional standard norms of another culture. Therefore I think that a lot of the work has to be done in the exchange of emtional connexions and compassion between different cultures. A big part of my mission is to educate people on how to communicate authenticity, firstly with themselve, then with their intimate partners, their family, their business partner, their community, their nation and ultimately with the rest of the world. I desire that people can communicate better and better all around the world. I vote for a better universe where people choose education over prejudice so that we all take the time to understand each other and love each other.
I think that there will be a moment when the main currency is going to be time, attention or energy instead of being the money currency we have now. The problem here is connected to what I call “the quantity and the quality problem”. A word that I think could connect quantity and quality together would be the word “pragmatic”. The current currency works has a sort of “pragmatic perceived value”. Instead we could have a medium of exchange that works on “pragmatic value” meaning a quantitative amount of time let’s say 1 second that has a qualitative perceived value relative to an individual able to live an emotional experience in the future. The american dollar has value only because it can be exchanged with time, mouvement or an event. That “pragmatic action” or event has a “qualitative value observable from the outside scientifically to individuals” and will always be like that since it is interconnected to emotion. The more we disconnect our inner emotions from this “perceived value” tho an experience anticipated outside of time let’s say only in the mind has a “perceived pragmatic value”. We could also simply say a “perceived value” which is also an event and an emotional mouvement inside someone…BUT it’s SUBJECTIVE and imaginative. or we could simply say a perceived value. where someone experience an emotion or a state of mind. The perceived value from an opportunity or offer has to be first determined subjectively with a specific quality or possible emotional state and than scientifically with a specific quantity and currency depending on the current value of the currency itself relative to the other currencies. This is definitely where I’m weak in my explanation since I’m not an expert in finance and economy yet. I'm dreaming of a market without money. A market that trades on time and attention directly wish a universal pragmatic system of quality and quantity... The best currency is not a currency that human creates but instead a currency that god creates, if you know what I mean, energy, light, darkness… The system of exchance in value, attention, time, money, energy. Is this all possible or it’s just my crazy brain trying to find impossible light in the complete darkness? Maybe there will be a moment in the future where learning is going to be a skill that people will get paid to practice. Let’s speculate that AI is now able to know exactly what words you’re thinking about and also what images your are imagining. Therefore people will be paid to use their brain to control robots with some sort of telepathy let’s say. But that now the question. The question is will there be a moment where people make a living by learning ONLY. Not teaching. Maybe there will be a moment where the information that a human is learning can then be quickly captured and sold to other people without any long and intense process such as video editing and video creation. Will there every be a moment when people will get paid to learn. Let say for a minute that this world already exists, BUT the person who’s learning also have to offer classes to students and charge those classes in order to make a living from this practice. Let’s say I’m reading the bible plugged to a computer that tracks all my thinking and imagination process. The AI then use this information and create a video class course online and distribute it to the exact people that were currently looking for this exact information that the bible reader just interpreted for the first time. That would be if AI will eventually get weeker than invidividuals. Will AI one day be able to completly replace human creativity and that no human will have better ideas or better imagination or creativity than an AI? Since AI can take a lot more data in there calculation than a human being brain. How will look such a world if that’s the case. My first idea is that machines will start controling human being since human being will be the source of energy necessary to run the intentionality of robots. I would say that I would like to live in a world where humans get paid to think and learn. Maybe outloud? Thinking and speaking outloud in order to get paid? That’s getting closer to our current reality. Attention is mouvement, attention is action, attention is conversion. Therefore the amount of time someone watches a video can therefore be compensated with a price. Watch this video and get 10$. Right now it’s more like, film a video and make 10$. The people that are getting paid watching videos are coaching videos in human ressources department, but only with the premise that the employee will then work at a profit for the business owner after. Is there a way there the one that learns from the content immediately get’s paid from watching the content only, from paying attention to the video only, paying attention in exchange of money, it’s like if a business was paying potential customers to watch there ads. Let’s say I watch one of your ad but never convert on your offer, let’s say I watch one of your ad and get conditionned a specific way from your ad and therefore decides to buy your competitors product, you will have bought some of my time. The ultimate question is can I get paid while someone teaches me. My teacher give me money and also give me information. My teacher give me education and therefore power and responsability. That also means he will give me things to take care of. This can be physical assets, or animals, or vegetales, or minerals, of metaphysical matters before it even existed. You will travel to nigeria and take care of the entire palace, you will serve your teacher well and teach other your learnings. And this is were teaching is again money and what has value. Because this is how it has always been. The more intelligent people teaches the less intelligent people to create technological improvement. So let’s look at this word, to create. What does that mean exactly. It comes back to creating money, or god creating metaphysical matters. Je te donne un terrain de 10 000 pieds carrés. Je viens de te donner énormément de ressources naturel probablement a l’infini. Je peux par la suite vendre monétairement ce terrain avec des ressources naturels dessus. Et l’autre partit vien d’acheter avec de l’argent qui à été imprimer par l’humain de l’énergie crée par dieu. Est-ce que nous pouvons échanger directement l’énergie et les ressources crée par dieu lui même? Est-ce que nous devons absolument crée une monnaie d’échange? Je te donne un territoire qui appartenaient à mes ancêtres, le territoire est maintenant à toi. Je n’ai pas crée le territoire. Dieu à crée le territoire. Disons pour l’instant que l’orignine de l’humain vien de la planète terre elle même excluant l’énergie du soleil. Donc la planête terre et l’énergie du soleil avec l’évolution et le temps m’a permis de venir au monde après avoir vécue plusieurs milliers d’année en tant que champignons et bactérie défragmenter partout dans la lumière et dans la noirceur. Revenont on point initial. Est-ce que nous devons absolument crée une monnaie d’échange? Échanger des territoires VS échanger de l’argent qui permet ensuite d’acheter des territoires. Nous avons crée un system d’imprimerie d’argent sur laquelle toute le peuple à confiance pour échanger leurs biens. Avant c’était du matériel réel. Avant notre monnais d’échange était les humains, ensuite les animeaux, ensuite, les végétaux, ensuite les minéreaux, ensuite l’électricité avec l’argent en papier, ensuite l’énergie nucléaire avec la cryptomonnaie, ensuite la gravité avec l’intéligence artificielle, ensuite la prière et la foi avec la lecture et l’enseignement. Est-ce que nous échangions de l’enseignement, du temps et de l’attention avant d’échanger des corps complets? As quoi ressemble l’économie des batéries? Ils s’échange de l’information, ils s’échangent du temps, ils s’échangent des nutriments. Intéligence artificielle, échanger sur la loi de l’éternel? Échanger sur la loi du temps infinie? La loi de l’énergie l’éternellement en mouvement, un être humain meurt, un soleil peu mourrir, toute la lumière du soleil peu mourrir et retourner dans la noirceur relative à l’homme, si cette noirceur est le perpétuel recommencement, est-ce que nous pouvons puisser de l’énergi de cette source infinie d’énergie, ce nourrir seulement de lumière ou ce nourrir seulement de noirceur. C’est quoi le lien entre la noirceur, la lumière, l’énergie et l’argent. Est-ce que dans la noirceur existe de l’énergie invisible à l’oeil humaine, j’ai foi de me nourrir de cette source infinie d’énergie non-visible. Cette source devient donc source de lumière après l’avoir accepter dans notre vie. Il est ensuite question de déterminer une monnaie d’échange de cette source non-visible d’énergie renouvlable avant même quelle deviennent visible and termes d’énergie physique comme des atoms, minéraux, végétaux. Il s’agit d’imprimer de l’argent ce qui détermine cette source d’énergi infinie dans le temps. Par contre elle n’est pas infinie dans une periode de temps. Et alors que la consommation de cette periode de temps est difficile d’être prévue à l’avance nous essayons d’imprimer le bon nombre d’argent avec l’ajout d’un taux d’inflation qui représente le retour de la matière physique dans le monde non-matériel. Donc l’argent ce trouve entre le monde immatériel, le monde matériel et le retour vers le monde immatériel. Je te donne un bou de bois et il pourrit après 2 semaines. Je te donne un bateaux et il brise et coule au fond de l’eau après 150ans. Je te donne un lingo d’or et il résiste au intempérie de la noirceur du monde immatériel pendant plus de 1000 ans. Je te donne un pierre précieuse qui à passer de carbone à diamand avec une si grosse pression gravitationnel and casi métaphysique de divine qu’elle se raproche de plus en plus vers une vie perçu casiment éternel au yeux d’un être humain qui vie seulement 100ans. Nous pouvont échanger des minéraux rares qui redisparaissent dans le néant aussi rapidement que apparue. Nous pouvont échanger des métaux rares qui reste visible à l’oeil nu pendant des millions d’années. Échanger des roches, échanger des montagnes. Échanger des continents au complet. Échanger des planêtes au complet qui reste intacte pendant dans millions d’années. Échanger des atoms qui reste intacte que pendant des fractions de secondes. Ils possèdes des trillions d’atomes. Ils possèdents des trilliares de bactérie. Est-ce que je peux me manger de l’intérieur à l’infinie? Est-ce que je peux manger de l’extérieur à l’infinie? Est-ce que je peux m’enpoissoner jusqu’à être ultra conscient? La plus grosse drogue naturel qui me garde en vie me raproche de mon plein potentiel. Le plus gros fruit me raproche du monde d’en haut? Le plus petit fruit me rapproche du monde d’en bas? Me nourrir des plans spirituels au delas de moi avec l’aide de la prière? Me nourrir des plans physique visible scientifiquement me rapproche du monde d’en bas? Nourriture scientifique, Nourriture psychic, Nourriture spirituel? Ne me tue pas je veux prendre plus de responsabilité. Je me sauve tes responsabilités car j’ai peur que tu me tue d’un coup sec avec toute ta puissance. Je mange des fréquences. Je mange des vibrations. La corps est mon plus gros organ. Je peux me nourrir de de mon envionment visible. Je peux me nourrir de mon environment invisible? Ce qui est visible est nécessaire à mon existance. Puise que j’en voit l’importance. Ce qui est invisible n’est pas nécessaire à mon existence. Ce qui est invisible est nécessaire à mon existence. Cette vision doit devenir réalité pour qu’elle puisse subsister à mes besoins essentiels. The known, the unknown, and the unknowable. Some artists get paid by selling their music throught a medium of exchange. Some artists don’t make their money from the marginalized one. Some artists take their money from the government directly to have a specific influence on the population. Governement have connexions to the central banks. Politician have connexions to the central banks. The government have projects in the pipeline and need to print money in order to run these projects. The projects they run are so big that they can’t do it themselves. We are talking about organizing millions and millions of people together. Imagine having a business where you have 2 000 000 employees working on 140 000 projects every day. The entire system of printing money can’t stop working overnight. I will take small improvements and over time more and more people will take higher responsabilities for their community and country. I currently think that money will still have to be printed. The bitcoin technology has a maximum amount of bitcoin the world can own. That means that most of the bitcoin will again go back to the people with more intelligence. How can artists make a living without selling a product or service and without working directly with the government projects and promotion. I don’t think we live in a world there learning attention only can the main currency YET. I know we now live in an economy and a world where the currency is the actions taken by individuals. But what do I mean exactly by that? Paying attention is not an action? Paying attention doesn’t change anything in the outside world? That’s the thing… we are talking about what is inside and what is outside. Where is money? Money is outside first and then it’s inside as consumption. Money is the a tool to predict human consumption. And then we’re talking about economics and scientific research. Here’s how it currently works: From OUT to IN Central banks print money and then the money is distributed in the economy. From OUT money is loosing value. Interests rate. The politician basically give money to the people. How it worked in the past from out to in to out. People where mining let’s say charcoal in mines. Or people where cutting wooden logs and then exchanging these materials for something else in return. Redevance, Entente, Aggrements, Assurance, Beliefs, Prediction, Premise, Confidence. Now we have been normalized to the paper money being the medium of exchange. The new technology is about the decentralized network which will bring transparency and not chaos. An attention only economy wouldn’t work. This would end up as a total destruction of the lower worlds or the higher worlds. There has to be a way to let the world create new energy and also a way to consume energy. Let’s say everybody stops creating content on YouTube because it doesn’t pay. Doesn’t pay = No Opportunity. No Mouvement. Let’s say everybody creates content on YouTube because it pays. Paying = Opportunity. Mouvement. Mouvement is necessary in order for light to exist relatively to human. Opportunities have to exist. But there is always the opportunity to kill our species. But How? Le point de non retour. Par example, un seul être humain restant sur la terre, prend la décisions d’agir d’une certaine manière par rapport à une opportunité. Mais cette action lui empêche d’être capable de faire quoi que se soit qui pourra sauver ça peau. Il n’a pas l’intélligence et les capacités pour continuer d’exister dans le monde de la lumière. Alors l’être humain retourne donc dans la noirceur ou le monde d’en bas. Alors l’objectif est que l’être humain reste dans la lumière et que d’autre espèce moin importante que nous relativement au monde de la lumière périsse et retour de la ou ils viennent. C’est comme si au contraîre l’être humain fesait tout en son pouvoir pour grandir dans le monde de la noirceur jusqu’à temps que cette noirceur le tue tout simplement pour qu’il n’envahisse pas les mondes d’en haut. Gravir les échelons du service Divin. Some people’s ability to do certain tasks independent of the time is takes to do the task has value to other human beings. Let’s say if the only thing Jonny can do is cut down a tree with respect to all the repercution that the fact that he cut down that tree will have on the future. VS Jonny who can cut down a tree, plant another tree and transform the wood into paper for letters. Than Jonny #2 has a greater value on the market. How can I increase my market value? What does that even mean? What I’m worth to the market. What people are willing to pay for my time. How much money can I generate in the market. Let’s say a brokee with the capacity to sell a 5 million dollar deal. Has a market value of 5 millions. Is your time worth more than mine? It depends. Is my energy worth more than yours? It depends. What’s the return? Is my time worth more than yours? It depends Is your energy worth more than mine? It depends. Does your abilities have a greater demand in the eyes of human? Is it rare? Is it usefull? 2 most important questions. Is your time worth more than mine? Is my time worth more than yours? Is my energy worth more than yours? Is your energy worth more than mine? Does your abilities has a greater demand in the eyes of human beings? Does my capacity has a greater demand in the market? SO I WOUL LIKE TO CONCLUDE! I’m not quite sure how we can improve and the financial system. I probably will have to learn more about that the more I grow up. The solution I’m looking for is definitely linked to the education system, the emotional system and finally the bank system. It’s a fundamental question about greed vs compassion. Good and bad. Theology and the connexion to the divine wisdom. Here’s is the best video I found about the financial system and banking system for this part of the mission. So from what I understand we all to become responsable of how own money and our own banks. I put my money in the bank and then the bank decides how to use my money? That doesn’t make any sense? So let’s say, none of my money is in the bank and that all my money is in the market. Great that means that all my money is mine, it’s like if I’m a bank now. But… that doesn’t necessarely means I can print money? Or get money directly from the central banks? The central banks represents all humans economy… So should you invest your money into a return on investment of you should invest your money on making this world a better place and on the marginalized one? If I can have a recurring universal income I could invest it / spend it back directly into the economy this means giving it to everybody else? That doesn’t make me responsable tho! What is the link between responsability and money? I should be resopnsable of exchanging my energy into the universe that will aim for symbiosis with other species. But some people will spend all their money on breaking this symbiosis with nature? And will try to be in symbiosis with smaller and smaller particles? Does that make sense? Where should I invest my money? My time? My Energy? Do I want to the be the fittest? I want to be fit of course. I also want every human to be fit and in harmony with other spieces’s fitness. Again it’s about my mission of finding the right balance between spirituality and science in every action. Where is the line between the relationship with human and god? What should we do with god? How should we co-create with him? Should we try to take more and more control over the law as humans? Should we try to let it control us and eventually killing us all? We have to wrestle with god like jacob did. So we are talking about the life quality of an individual and the quantity of individuals alive on earth. The more individuals on earth the lower the quality is. The less individuals on earth the higher the quality is. Where is the right balance between the quality and quantity? What is a good numbers of human beings on earth? It depends on the state of technology and how available that technology is to the rest of the world. The trickster mindset or the force of destruction and the force of creation. We can’t simply destroy and we can’t simply create. There has to be a balance between both, and maybe more clarity and transparency on what side you’re on the most. CREATE, DESTROY, BALANCE. I basically dream in a world without money.
STEP 4: Let’s have a ressources based economy?
Let’s have a ressources based economy. Transmission of assets and emotional value without money. Can we live in a world without an objective medium of exchange? Contenant intérieur subjective value investing with intrinsic value predicted value in the future (SPIRITUAL DATA) based on present moment (SCIENTIFIQUE DATA) Extérieur du contenant the actual real price on the market objectively. A medium of exchange, An objective emblem of exchangeability, an intermediate representation of subjective value, is necessary in the human ecnomy? We than erase or don’t take into consideration the intrinsic subjective value of humans and instead replace it with a “fixed constant”. A transparent financial system based on trust, truth, vulnerability, courage, humility. Can we live in a world without an objective medium of exchange? Without tools that determine the objective, collective or cultural value. Quantifiable Mathematical Price? How much energy is in circulation in the economy? How much weight exists on earth? A world where we exchange subjective value to subjective value to each others? Trading on the quantity with a global currency. 100 000 Global currency. To me this is worth 100 000 global currency. To be this is worth 120 000 global currency. FOR US this is woth 150 000 global currency.Quantity (Number) + Quality (Confidence in Currency). System monétaire (Numbers) + System juridique (Words). Trading on the quality of words and emotions? Payer en liberté (quality) + Payer en colère (quality) L’authenticité des mots, respecter ces promesses, dire la vérité sincèrement, lying, integrity, humility. transparency and courage. A true entrepreneur in integrity trades with another true entrepreneur in integrity. They both tell each other their subjective authentic value. Accord verbal véritable? Without emotional manipulation and dishonesty. (ONLY ENTROPY, ONLY ABSORPTION) If my subjective value is not worth the same as your subjective value? If my subjective value is not worth the same as the objective market value? Who should win? The market or the individual? How can he know the difference between when the market is wrong and when he’s wrong? The wrong mouvement is the mouvement against the natural world uniquely. The right mouvement is 2 opposite forces. A creating force and a destructive force that are both natural and therefore are both part of the natural order. The difference between the real economy and the service economy. We can’t trade on stupidity and intangible non-scientifique invisible logical intuition. Subjective Spiritual Speculations (Currency) with Objective Scientifiques Mesures. (Numbers) We need both! How! We wrestle with god (Science) and at the same time we let god do the work (Spirit). Balance in time. An economy based on: Qualitative words + Qualitative emotions no words or concept created yet. How can we put a number of such a thing? How can we put a number of weight? How can we compare 2 subjective emotions? We can’t! Because both are isolated. Than why would I ever ask myself the question: how can I compare? Why would I want to compare in the first place? There is a gap in consciousness between both individuals, that gap can be filled with trust and compassion. The same way when a value investors tried to predict the price of the objective market in the future. He needs to trust himself, trust the market, have compassion for himself if his predictions are wrong, have compassion for the market is he’s sure with certitude that the market is wrong and that he’s right. How can he know the difference between when the market is wrong and when he’s wrong? Individual currency VS Global Currency VS Many different currency. A transparent trusted global currency (Quantifiable) A global adaptable juristic language system attached to a qualitative subjective value evaluation or estimation exchanged economy for all people. Exchanging words instead of exchanging money. Material substances and elements affects our emotional states. Connecter la matématique abstraite et la matématique normal. Pour crée un ressources based economy and a socio-cyber engineering system in balance with the “light natural order” and the “dark natural order”. Gold standards? Maybe it already is somehow. Let’s explore…
Alec le vieux philosophe, marketer and business man will share it’s perspective with the world and will make sure that it’s own perspective will get better over time to show people that seeking the truth is a never ending process. Of course Alec will have the capacity of advocate specific political mouvement by identifying problematics that most people agree on the fact that these problematics should be source of concerns and that we should find solutions to those unfortunate and marginalized situation or emotional states. For example world hunger, unclear water accessibility, education accessibility. It’s a question of opportunity and education people on how to execute on those opportunities. I will document my entire process, I educate my lessons along the way, I build a mouvement and empath and compassionate people that want to best from the world, I build an audience, I create content everyday and talk to people everyday, I build a team of highly skilled people in their expertise so that they can help me do the things I’m not good at or that I don’t want to do because it’s not my most optimized position in society in my opinion. I could also go againts my own will in order to be more helpful the group, the community, the nation or the world. Otherwise if everybody does what they want to do or think subjectively about what they should do, I don’t think we would like an harmonious and well balanced and peaceful world. We have to have the ability to sacrifice personal ambitions for the greater good of all human being on earth. I light up fires (clouds) than take care of them (dirt), I network with people with similar interests, I get more clients and fix problems for them. People need representativeness, some people don’t feel good in front of the camera or in front of an audience and it’s okay, some people prefer to execute and others prefers to offer directions and are persuasive. Since I’m able to film and feel good in front of people I can teach people on how to be themselve and authentic in front of other people. I meet extraordinary people everyday that help me change and enhance our current outdated system of education and finance. This brings more joy in this world, this offers jobs to people how would like to work but don’t find a job they love, the environment is getter better and better and our connection with nature become more and more profound. J’ai documenter ma vie entière de manière authentique et courageuse. J’ai distribuer beaucoup de continu et faite avancer le system d’éducation et de transformation individuel. J’ai partager les moments les plus difficiles avec les autres en filmant dans ma grotte. J’ai appris au jeune la generosity et la tésdakha (Justice Véritable). Je suis un coach on 1 on, un mentor, j’offre des consultations de business, des conférences internationals, j’ai organiser des retraire et des mastermind qui on aider les individues à transcender leurs ego, j’ai mes formations en ligne qui faut plusieurs vente par jours. J’utilise l’eau pour faire gérer mes émotions, Consultant, Je rentre dans une entreprise, et j’en ressort fièrement.