- Subjective reality means that something is actual depending on the mind. For example: someone walks by a flower and experiences the beauty of the flower. Would you say that the experience of beauty is dependent or independent of the mind? Would the experience of the form in general of the flower be dependent on the mind?
- Objective reality means that something is actual (so it exists) independent of the mind. For example: while no one is nearby, a meteor crashes into a car, putting it on flames, leaving only a pile of ashes. Are any of these events depending on some mind? It is actually hard to state a purely objective reality example, as one needs to describe it in concepts that are interpreted by the mind. You see the difficulty? Anything related to experience, like form, weight, heat, color, beauty, etc, etc is dependent on a mind. So we could say, that objective reality is formless. Only when observed by a mind, there is form. This has lots of similarities with a computer rendered game. The scenario is there, but unless it is rendered on the screen, it is formless. So objective reality is here, but unless it is 'rendered' on consciousness, it is formless.
Alone we should create concepts that will then be destroyed once these concepts become limiting. These limitations are blinding us from reality and observation, but it’s a paradox, it also helps us imagine our own ignorance. Focus on what is not true “is not” and you will get closer to what truth is.
Objective Truth and Subjective Truth:
A subjective claim cannot be proved right or wrong by any generally accepted criteria.
An objective claim may be true or false; just because something is objective does not mean it is true.

Theory of Imaginationism?
In philosophy, physicalism is the metaphysical thesis that "everything is physical", that there is "nothing over and above" the physical, or that everything supervenes on the physical. I'm a recovering physicalist. I now believe in God but I have a new philosophical theory that I believe is the closest truth about God and creation. Physicalisim is flawed in my opinion because it can't explain the human imagination. If we are only inspired by the physical and material world around us then how does the imagination create things that we've never seen or touched? So the the imagination can't be explained by physical law. None of this is new in philosophic debate. Here's the theory I came up with that has a fresh perspective. Imaginationism- The human imagination is God, spirit, and soul. Everyone has a perception of reality that they believe is true. Some believe in ghosts wholeheartedly and no one can tell them different. They use the imagination to create these beliefs and they are real to them. I now believe in a true omnipotent God that can't be put in a box. God can't be explained by a book, pastor, scientist, or philosopher. I'm doing the best I can to explain Him now but even my description doesn't explain the true power He has. God is everything and everything is God. That means anything that you can use your imagination to ponder no matter how ridiculous is God. If you took all the thoughts, beliefs, and imaginations of all the humans on earth and combined them together that is God. God is everything man can imagine and everything man can't imagine. The men that wrote the Bible didn't understand the imagination. When they had these thoughts about things beyond this physical world they thought it was a sign from God. Which is true! The only thing people got wrong is that one man's imaginative beliefs doesn't have to be forced on everyone. I believe that God gave us all the imagination to see Him in our own way. True free will that can't be taken away! That means that muslims and christians are both right. Believers and non-believers are both right. God is everything and nothingness. Everyone is right! Even the people that believe in ancient aliens and ghosts. All of us use our imagination and some of those things we imagine we believe in. We all believe in some since of morality. I believe the only sins against God are trying to dictate how other humans should use their imagination and trying to destroy other humans for having a different imagination than you. If God is omnipotent then He created everything. He is all things at all times. Nothing God creates or does is bad it just "IS". I believe all the different religions, factions, and occult groups are all right and no one is wrong. The only wrong is when we hate and destroy each other simply for having different imaginations. That's like me putting together a cult following to kill people that believe in ghosts because I believe in vampires. Silly when you look at it like that right? You should see religion and spirituality the same way. Everyone had the right to their perception of reality and can imagine the universe, God, and creation any way they want. The God of my understanding is truly omnipotent which means He is all religion. He is all spirituality.