unitary groupIn mathematics, the special unitary group of degree n, denoted SU(n), is the Lie group of n × n unitary matrices with determinant 1.en.wikipedia.orgQuanta MagazineExplore mind-bending developments in basic science and math research. Quanta Magazine is an award-winning, editorially independent magazine published by the Simons Foundation. Director of Video: Emily Buder. WooI teach mathematics at a comprehensive public high school in Sydney, Australia. I'm also an author (Woo's Wonderful World of Maths, It's a Numberful World, Eddie Woo's Magical Maths 1 & 2) and TV host (Teenage Boss on ABC ME). I think learning is awesome, and love being able to share what I've learned with others! Map of MathematicsThe entire field of mathematics summarised in a single map! This shows how pure mathematics and applied mathematics relate to each other and all of the sub-t...youtu.beQiskitQiskit includes a comprehensive set of quantum gates and a variety of pre-built circuits so users at all levels can use Qiskit for research and application development. The transpiler translates Qiskit code into an optimized circuit using a backend's native gate set, allowing users to program for any quantum processor or processor architecture with minimal inputs.qiskit.orgSonic Geometry with Eric Rankin | The Inside EdgeDiscover the fascinating link between geometry, music, and ancient civilizations as Eric Rankin shares his original research and story of findings with power...youtu.beamplituhedron